One of my special enjoyment over the past couple of weeks has been to touch base with old friends from my school days in Penguin. Yep, we are going back some 56 years - and that IS a long time!
I received a call from my old friend Henk - we sat at the same desk back in Grade 6, or was it Grade 7 - to ask me if I was interested in a speaking opportunity at their Men's Fellowship in Kingston. I accepted with much gratitude and looked forward to having time with these men. The subject decided on was "A glimpse at China'. It was a wonderful morning which I very much enjoyed. There were over thirty men present - all retired and active. I met heaps of guys I have known from years before and thoroughly enjoyed the warmth of their welcome and their singing. If was an uplifting experience that did me the world of good. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I have invited myself to come on a regular basis. If my granddaughter can travel each day to Kingston, I can certainly cope with once a week.
The other suggestion that Henk made was that I join him and John & Jack, also from the Penguin days in the early fifties, for bush walking. That we organised last Monday. It was agreed to walk the Wellington Fall track, at least for a three hour return.
It was such a lovely day yesterday (19C degrees) that I enjoyed a couple of hours in the garden and what did I see........?
Don't know when I will do another blog. Sometime I guess, but not planned for the immediate future. Just keep checking every now and then.
hi grandpa!
looks like you're certainly keeping yourself busy! it's great to be able to catch up with old friends. I'm sure you're enjoying these opportunities to go bushwalking :).
those paw prints are very cute :-)
Those kids are so cute!
You forgot to mention that the men's fellowship finishes at a useful time for a student who finishes early from school!!!
So glad you have added to your 'blog' I watched the TV show on Thur 4 Oct and felt that I actually could understand the culture as I have read both your writings about venturing back to PNG and by talking with Heather. So glad that you are moving forward as "life does go on".
Cheers - Gail
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