Monday, December 27, 2010

The Europe Adventure for Jan & Me - Family Connections in Holland

One of the enjoyment of visiting Holland was to connect with my past and with family. I have already mentioned in an earlier blog that we met up with Pieter & Corrie. They joined us for the special occasion of celebrating Jan's birthday on 22 September. Not only did we celebrate this special day together, but we did so in my birth town of Haren.

It was great to introduce Jan to Haren. After parking the car we immediately set out for Kerkstraat, the street where the family home was and where I was born. I still can't get over how everything is so close together and Jan was quite taken by the fact that the opposite corner from the family home was the church where I was baptised; across the road was the cemetery where my paternal grand-parents are buried; a few doors down the street is the school - which is no longer a school, that I attended for almost all my primary education. Further down the road - a hundred meters or so, is the birth home of my own father. As I said, it was all so close together and we enjoyed the journey of rediscovering those long ago days:

The family home, especially built for my parents. Their share of the three-storey property extends from the fifth window from the left on the top storey to as far as the end of the 3-storey building on the right.
Below; as it was in 1931, almost complete with my parents in front:
The view across the road where the family went to church every Sunday.
It is stretching it a bit to think that my grandparents were across the road 'keeping an eye' on things. During his lifetime, my grandfather regularly visited my parents and checked on how the business was going.
And just down the road - some fifty meters or so, was my school. I am standing in front of what was Grade 1 in 1945 when I began school.

And below, in front of the same classroom with my teacher, Mrs Romein at the top left. My sister Wilhelmina & I are sitting bottom right with Pieter & Errit immediately behind us. How we have changed!!!
Another view from the main street end showing how close everything was with the family home on the left, the church in the background and on the right the street access to the cemetery.

Kerkstraat isn't a long street. One can see the full length from one end to the other. My paternal grandparent's home is still looking great, though having a changed roof and a different upstairs facade. It is still very recognizable:

And below in about 1925 with my father posing in front:While doing the 'before and now', have a look at the following comparison:The door on the left above was a window in the next photo. The window of the house next door looks exactly the same. The photo below, with my father, can be easily compared with the photo taken in 2010.
It was fun showing Jan my village. It is a delightful place of which I am very proud. The walking tour finished at an old favourite spot - Boerema Park, which we visited often and where I remember skating in the winter:
In the end, it was Jan's special day and we celebrated with a delightful lunch in the town:Life is about relationships, and celebrating Jan's birthday along with Pieter and Corrie is part of that!

Just before leaving for our European adventure, I received an unexpected email from a cousin of mine whom I had not seen for some sixty years and who, not surprisingly, did not remember me. Irma inquired about my knowledge of the family tree. Having done a lot of work on that over recent years, I was able to respond providing her with information that we had gathered. With our visit to Holland, it seemed natural to arrange to meet her.

We spent a most delightful day with Irma and her husband Adri (who was just three weeks younger than me). There was immediate rapport between us and our whole visit was a happy experience. I think that our respective spouses smiled at, what they observed as, similar family traits. Hmmmm! I have been told that I look like my grandfather Bouman, but perhaps Adri saw other similarities as well! Whatever, we just got on like a house on fire and it was a real treat to connect after so many years. Many of the photos that follow were taken by Irma, who is quite expert in photography, and I thank her for permitting me to use these on this blog.
After a delicious lunch Adri & Irma invited us to stretch our legs and see a little of their surroundings. We were ready for a good walk and gladly agreed. They took us to a property now used as accommodation for widows of ex servicemen. It is set in lovely bushlands and is very peaceful.
In showing you the next lot of photos, let me do so as a special tribute to Adri Buenk who passed away just a couple of weeks ago. On our return to Hobart, we received news that Adri was diagnosed with cancer and in the space of a couple of months was 'called home' by our Heavenly Father. It was a huge shock that I found personally very hard to cope with. Jan & I remember him with much enjoyment and the following photos reflect this. It was a happy walk, full of colour and diversity as I am sure was his life.

Our cameras were non-stop. So much to enjoy!
As we began our walk, we came across these wonderful toadstools. I have never seen so many different types in one spot nor the variety of colour that we feasted our eyes on. It reminded me of fairy tale stories that one reads during childhood. What was missing were the elves and fairies!!!

And finally, the above wonderful photo showing the fine and regular detail of God's amazing ingenuity in creation. Perfectly made. In the same way he made each of us - special in every detail.
Thanks again Irma!


auschick said...

great toadstools!!

gezza said...

Great photography! The colour in nature is just wonderful and you have captured it beautifully.