How to start this blog chapter? How, in a few paras and photos, can I do justice to a lifetime of memories, happiness beyond measure, and Carol's personality that was unique and just so beautiful. I am not even going to attempt that. But what I do wish to do is to give you a glimpse of how we finally honoured Carol, mum & grandma. That inevitably will include our adoration - we formed a family guard of honour, our grief and our love for one another. So perhaps, the fewer words, the better.

With Pastor Steve greeting members of the family.

Grandsons Andrew & Jason, Brother Henk, Nephew Greg and our sons Mark & Tim carried Carol to her final earthly resting place.

Final earthly moments of goodbye leaves us emotionally spent, but also re-enforces our memories of Carol and a deep love one for another that will never fade. 'It was in faith that Carol died....and admitted that she was a foreigner and refugee on earth, making it clear that she looked with confidence forward to a better country, the heavenly country.' (Hebrews 11 : 13 & 16 - adapted)

Grandchildren saying their final goodbyes and showered her with lavender out of her own garden plus a basket full of rose petals:

I was so grateful that all my family, including all the grandchildren - except Kirsty, were near me. Their love and comfort is sustaining and just so meaningful. God's kindness is overwhelming!

If a view is important, Carol certainly has a prime position and I am grateful to Michelle & Phillip in fascilitating this plot. Ultimately, it cannot compare to our eternal 'mansion' in glory, where finally we will be reunited with one another.

I treasure the above photo with myyyyyy grandchildren. They are the future generation and together with our own children represent the values that Carol's and I hold so dear and sought to pass on.

Carol loved her flowers and would have been so thrilled to have touched, smelled and admire the floral tributes that were received. Here are some of them:
McKillop familyy
Royal Guide Dogs

American Bible Society
Iemke & Tom
Travel Studio

Helen & Mike

United Bible Society

Woonona Baptist Church

Bible Society in Australia
There were many other floral tributes, including those sent to other members of the family. I have been totally overwhelmed by the love and messages of condolence received over the past couple of weeks. The email bo and the letter bo were full of eloquent testimony of how Carol touched the lives of so many from so many different walks of life. The service of Celebration of Carol's life was a wonderful and fitting tribute to a life well lived and to the FULL!
The final pictorial from Carol herself; as she was among the flowers that she and I planted in our garden.
Thank you Siebrand
Heather & Geoff
You write very well.
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