Thursday, November 30, 2006

Time-out and......Andrew!

Today saw the last day of our creative activities at Time-out, an activity that we are involved with every Thursday morning. Up to 200 folk come together each Thursday to do all sort of crafty things including painting, needlework & wood turning. Being the last day today for 2006, it was 'show & tell' where participants have the opportunity to show others how clever they have been this year. It also gives people like myself a chance to have a look what would be good to do next year. And yes, there is plenty of variety.

Carol is a Tutor in Tatting and had quite a few folk turning up at her table to see how clever she is:For me, I chose lead-lighting as an activity in 2006. The displays are from those who have far more experience than I.Did I learn anything? Yes, I am sure I did and picked up some good hints for my other activities. Apart from that, one has contact with other folk and that is certainly a good thing.

After our morning activities, we went to the Royal Hobart Hospital to visit our grandson Andrew who had a rather bad fall yesterday and was taken by ambulance to the 'Royal'. I am best to just quote his mother Ann's words,
"Also, just to let you know that yesterday afternoon Andrew fell off a wall at uni (I'm still a little hazy on the details of that), but net result is that he hit his head on the way down, landing hard on his back. Abrasions to the head but no concussion. Unfortunately, however, the fall has resulted in a compression fracture to his 'T11' vertebra (compression to around 40% of what this bone should be). Thankfully, there is no damage to his spinal column. To keep him immobile while the cracks start to heal, and to manage the considerable amount of pain he is in, he will be in hospital over the next few days."

Andrew was obviously in a lot of pain and he was able to compare notes with his grandma who fell down the stairs five years ago and had a 60% compression fracture of the 2nd Lumbar vertebra. A very painful experience! She fully appreciated Andrew's situation. We are obviously very concerned about Andrew's injury and hope and pray that it will not have any negative future affect on his physical activities.


auschick said...

I hope Andrew recovers quickly. But wasn't uni OVER for the year? Does this mean he will miss his graduation? Bummer...

Kathryn said...

i fell so sorry for Andrew it would have really really hurt!!!!!

calmax said...

Ouch - that's gotta hurt. I'm just glad that all the king's horses and all the king's men were able to put Andrew back together again!!